Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hormones, hormones... Terrible hormones!

My topic for the day.. HORMONES... I was just fine for most of my pregnancy, just had a small period where I couldn't watch any cheesy scenes on TV because a couple of tears would run through my cheek, but that was all! No going crazy at someone or crying in the middle of a weird situation (Maybe once)..

But this last week... C'mon!!! It's just been terrible.. I cried last night the moment my husband entered the house and hugged me, don't ask me why, I wish I knew. Last Thursday I also cried like a baby, I think because I thought I looked fat. I still think I'm fat, I have 8 kilos on that do not belong to me but I don't know is not a reason to cry I'm guessing it will all go away after I give birth (hopefully in the first year or less). 

So that's me right now.. At moments I'm up and at moments I'm down. I really thought well this is almost over maybe I'm not like all those women on TV that go all crazy with hormones but I guess I am a little right now. 

On the other hand I want to start cooking some macarons, I've been looking up for some recipes and still need to buy some stuff for them. We'll see how that goes. 

Au revoir! 


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