Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tic Tac, Tic Tac.. Countdown starts!

So on Saturday we went to the Dr, and she says that my baby girl should be here this Saturday, May 4th. She checked and I was 1 cm dilated that day. I am really working on improving that number since she said that if my baby girl is not born naturally by Tuesday she might try to induce labor and that just increases the probability of a c-section, I'd really hate to have one, my mind is very much set on natural birth.

So I am trying to improve my chances with a mix of what the doctor says, what I learned in yoga for pregnant women, and what I've read around. First of all, walking 25 to 30 minutes a day, this one is really difficult because I was fine during my whole pregnancy but at this point I feel really heavy and I walk like a Styrofoam ball with two toothpicks as legs (and this is not a joke, sadly). Second, when I'm sitting I try to do it on my Pilates ball and roll a little while I'm on it, I get tired from time to time and go back to sitting on the bed, but I try to do it as much as I can. The doctor says I need to use the breast pump as if I was already feeding the baby, nothing much comes out, something yellowish, colostrum is what I think it is combined with waterish substance; And finally have sex, to be honest I didn't get the fun hormones that make your libido go up so I don't always feel like it, but this last week should be fun for my husband, he got really happy when the doctor said semen's a good way for my body to release hormones that make labor start or something like that.

Anyway, I hope it works and they do not need to induce labor because I've heard it is more difficult to control the pain in the contractions and let's just say I'm not really good with pain.

Other than that we bought the crib bedding, looked everything for this season and ended up buying discount bedding from last season because my handsome husband and I liked it better than the new stuff.. go figure.

I didn't buy the almonds flour yet, so no macarons... this is just because I'm lazy, the store is like a 100 meters away from my parent's house and I'm here every day since I don't have to work for now.

Also I think my baby girl is descending because I can feel my ribs the way they are supposed to feel, or at least it's been a while since i could feel them at all hoho.

That's all for now I think!


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